HW: Brian Tawn/Hawkfan/Trev's goodbye

Coleman deltawave at METRONET.COM
Mon Jun 4 18:34:31 EDT 2001


"Well, I suspect that the tenor of this list should improve a bit"

 dear Bocl "Maturity" and "Master" Pearson....
I sincerely do, Once again, apologize for my part in submitting too many
to this list.....
I must consolidate////

especially you Doug....I'm sorry for degrading your list a bit.....

I spoke with Judge Trev today......

he's just going to rock out...it's time......I don't think he is as full of
where the list is concerned, but I don't know......what I *DO* know, is
that he has not pulled the plug on the Yahoo Hawkwind list that Bob Lennon

he's basically cracking down to work......

I will "knock 'em down"..(the email quantity) I really will...

peace!  (Mike Coleman)

 oh and Samanfa= Layla   Samantha= Samantha.....

PS--I really *DO* sleep


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