HW: footage

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Mon Mar 5 07:19:20 EST 2001

In article <memo.20010304172242.2337A at slitchfield.ukonline.co.uk>, Steve
Litchfield <slitchfield at UKONLINE.CO.UK> writes
>This proves that there IS
>quite a bit of colour footage of HW in the 70s, can't we just find out who
>at Chrysalis did the research for the program and ask them nicely where
>all the bits were from?

FWIW Chrysalis was bought by EMI some years ago.  I wouldn't have
thought EMI would know either, but I know someone whose usually pretty
helpful to ask. I had a hangover alrighty on Sunday. :)


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