OFF: Amorphis US minitour

K Henderson henderson.120 at OSU.EDU
Sun Mar 25 01:50:00 EST 2001

Hi Folks...

Found these on the Relapse site...

April 6    Asbury Park, NJ  Metal Meltdown III
April 7    Toronto, CAN     Kathedral Room
April 8    Montreal, CAN    Fou-Founes
April 10   Springfield, VA  Jaxx
April 11   Detroit, MI      I-Rock
April 12   Chicago, IL      House Of Blues
April 13   Cleveland, OH    Agora Ballroom
April 14   Worchester, MA   Palladium (Metalfest)

Unfortunately, the close date (4/13) conflicts with Quarkspace here in town.
Oh, well...

Grakkl (FAA)

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