HW: Croydon

Michael S. Habiby mhabiby1 at NYCAP.RR.COM
Wed Mar 28 11:50:39 EST 2001

I saw Ron once. In '97.  He was just awesome.  He was in white paint
from head to jeans.. and stood in front of a black light.  Therefore he
was PURPLE all show. Very cool. Loved his Sonic Attack.  But then I am
so open minded I enjoyed Capt. Rizz too.  But then again I love Reggae
so there ya go. Enough rambling.

Mike Habiby
AIM: MSHabiby
MSN: MikeH12182
corwyn at nycap.rr.com

"A truly great man never puts away the simplicity of a child. " --Chinese Proverb

Michael W Blackman wrote:

> FIRST GOT UP AND STARTED doing his thing
> All opinions respected 100%
> So heres mine
> They aint nothing wrong with RonTree ( He's cool man)
> Let the man have his space to be creative and express himself is all I say
> Mb
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Mark Jermy <m.jermy at CRANFIELD.AC.UK>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 5:52 PM
> Subject: HW: Croydon
>> I'm going to kill the sound engineer if I ever get my hands on him.  Much
> as
>> I love Alan's playing, being able to hear that to the virtual exclusion of
>> all else for most of the gig is somewhat frustrating - Dave's guitar was
>> inaudible and Jerry's was most of the time.
>> Technical hitch (what did happen to Richard?) was unfortunate, but the
>> version of High Rise they pulled off was good, followed by some great
> Space
>> Ritual poetry ad hoc from Ron - I still think they could do without him
>> (especially since they had up to 10 people on-stage tonight at some
>> point...), but he's getting better each gig I see him.  If he just
>> concentrated on the Calvert stuff, I think I'd enjoy seeing him full-time.
>> Getting back to Croydon...I can't recall the entire set-list, but there
> was
>> definitely (and in probably the wrong order too):
>> Hmm. I had very good sound almost all night. Could hear Everyone. 7 rows
>> back right in front of the PA on the left(not bad considering I got my
>> tickets about 7:15pm!). I think it`s definitly where you are in this
> place.
>> Same thing happened last year. I had awful sound all night but others said
>> it was fine.
>> Si
>> gig/sound/meeting/Bedouin guitarist
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Dr Mark Jermy
>> Automotive, Combustion and Energy Engineering
>> School of Mechanical Engineering
>> Cranfield University
>> Cranfield, Beds, MK43 0AL, Great Britain
>> Tel +44 1234 754680 Fax +44 1234 750425
>> http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/sme/aeod/homepage.htm

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