dhuggins dhuggins at HYPERNOVA.NET
Thu Mar 29 23:25:35 EST 2001


        One thing I remember during the days of my youth was being told that
mankind was polluting the environment, which was going to cloud out the sun
and cause another ice age.  So, all in all, I prefer a "Hot" age.  At least
you can wear shorts.  Think of all the solar power that would be available.
 And all the neat mutations that would occur.  Especially gills for bad
actors who skim the seas on funky catamarans.

        But let me make this perfectly clear, I am against pollution.  And bad
acting.  And any kind of self-righteous wacko, from whichever spectrum they

At 06:31 PM 3/29/01 -0500, you wrote:
>On Thu, 29 Mar 2001 12:46:55 -0500, Jeff Berry <nexus at PANIX.COM> wrote:
>>>I shall provide as much fact and proven evidence the global warming
>>>doesn't exist as you have that is does. there is no 100% all every one
>>>agrees fact on what global warming is or what causes it if indeed it
>>>exist, but if find some I will be more then happy to provide my sources
>>Your turn.
>Yes.  We're waiting.
>Although one can argue that the scientific theory which holds that human-
>emitted greenhouse gasses (CO2 etc.) are responsible for a global warming
>trend that could potentially render the planet uninhabitable is not
>CONCLUSIVELY proven, the evidence supporting it appears to be stronger than
>any evidence contradicting it.  And, the likelihood is, by the time the
>theory is conclusively proven, well, the key word will be "conclusive".  As
>in, the conclusion of life on earth as we know it.  That's the issue -
>possible short-term economic loss versus possible FINAL CONCLUSION.
>Regardless of the science involved, the politics involved seem pretty
>obvious.  Florida didn't hand the election to Bush like it was "supposed"
>to, and Florida would be the first state in the USA to be
>*catastrophically* affected by the effects of global warming (since the
>vast majority of the state is only a few feet above sea level ... at least
>Hawaii has some mighty tall mountains to retreat to).  Sounds like payback
>time to me!
>    -Doug
>     ceres at

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