BOC/BRAIN: Stalk Forrest Group -- (review?)

Bolts of Ungodly Vision js3619 at ACMENET.NET
Tue May 1 13:35:23 EDT 2001

WElll..... what can I say but....

It's not Joe Dirt's BOC on this album.

Andy Winters is a very good bassist for this group, and its astounding how
BUSY everyone was in each ofthe songs.. adding something. Even Bloom did
that cool scream in Donovan's Monkey.  That tune, btw, is qorth the price
pf admission for the Killer Kowalski lyric.

Having heard this album now, I can understand Meltzer's criticism of BOC
being stiff somewhat. The SFG didnt like to stay on one riff too long
without doing SOMETHING cool to it. Dig those PHAT Drum Fills in A Tease
For Sneakers alllll throughout song and the BAND INTERPLAY during its
intese jazguitarisms of the jamming middle. wow. can you say kick out the

They do havea Grateful dead resemblance,. but they go toominous  places in

Thank goodness for the lyrics coming with the album.
Thank goodness it came out for that matter!

Great vox harmony in St Cecilia.

More later when i come down of the rockin' high. HA.

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