
Ketil Svendsen ketil.svendsen at FISKAREN.NHST.NO
Thu Nov 15 03:37:28 EST 2001

I can recommend the BigBriar one ( is Bob Moog's company
since late 70s). Allthough I've never tried one of the original RCA, and even less
Leon Theremin's original theremin of the late 20s!, the BB Etherwave is said to be
the closest there is to the original sound of the theremin. I can add that the
sound is rich and deep - somewhere between a cello and a musical saw  :-)
it's not an easy instrument to play. that is, unless you go for the sound effects
approach, DikMik style! I use mine for both melody and the latter, when i also use
a tape echo (think pink floyd 'echoes' style sea gulls and then add a DikMik
swooosj!). If you want to hit actual notes, i'd recommend: no coffee! one wink of
the eye, and the tone alters----
i've only played two times live with a band, but i can tell you jaws were
dropping! ('what IS that?!)

all in all: that hands-on (or RATHER 'hands off'!) feeling, when playing the
theremin, is well worth the money! (unless you go for the $3500 midi version(!))

best regards,
ketil svendsen,

ps. mine's a kit  (less expensive!) from big briar. that way i could get it a true
piano-shellac finish!  :-)

> Subject: theremin
> Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 13:54:38 EDT
> From: Ted Jackson <tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU>
> I've seen some mention of these gizmos here before, so I thought[]

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