HW: Hawkwind Domain

Sat Oct 6 06:13:19 EDT 2001

I would just like to point out

1) This was not the first approach to try and regain our domain name, this letter was a last resort.

2) Ali Davey, Richard Chadwick and Dave Brock are not directors of EBS, Doug Smith and Eve Carr are.

3) The domain Hawkwind.com is not registered to EBS, but to Doug Smith.

4) Andy Gilham has refused to speak to us, we offered to phone him to try and sort all this out, but he refused.

5) Basically Andy does not contact us about information that he puts on his page, we do not know him, therefore how can he represent us. (We are willing however to speak to him and work with him)

6) We are in constant contact with Rik, who runs Mission Control, we see Mission Control as being our official website but have no objections to other fan sites.

7) We have never wanted to shut down Welcome to the Future, we are prepared to work with them and link to them, as they well know.

8) Doug Smith ceased being a manager of the band in 1997

Yours Hawkwind

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