Jean-Charles Moriaud jcmoriaud at YAHOO.FR
Mon Oct 8 16:09:27 EDT 2001

> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List
> [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU] From: albert bouchard
> Oh, so you're either a victim or a cause, is that it? There's
> no arguing with that kind of logic.

I am afraid that life is neither black or white. I heard Bush saying
this was war between good and evil. Another type of extremism. We were
shocked and we are with the people of the USA, but we can't follow the
government and most of his political, economical(ultra liberalism, ...)
environmental (Tokyo,...) decisions.

We need to suppress immediately the debt of the third world countries
and abolish the fiscal paradises. We need to put in place the Tobin tax.
We need to bring back a political control of the finance world. All this
and more will way more efficient to reduce the number of terrorists in
this world that cruise missiles.

Looks like the strikes have started. I hope very much that Pakistan will
not fall under the Muslims extremists one of these days as a consequence
of these bombings. Not as a consequence of Bin Laden actions!

> Terrorism doesn't work!

I agree. But bombing Afghanistan will not work either. And why nothing
against Saudi Arabia who is financing terrorism? Petrol is one if not
the key of these actions, and few people talk about it.

> These people and their supporters will be crushed. We have no
> choice. Afterwards we'll have to help the people who are
> serious about improving the conditions of their people get it
> together.

There's always a choice. There was a choice.

And this is already looking ridiculous. TV images showing nothing like
during the Gulf war. Journalists just repeating what Pentagon says. I
nearly laughed this morning when I listened to the news when they
reported that "37,000 meals dropped in Afghanistan Sunday and Monday".
If this is not propaganda, how do you call this? Ronny Braumann, the
ex-president of "Médecin sans frontières" said that this is the first
time that the dropping have a color flag on them. This is too expensive
normally. Pure propaganda I say...

I leave the thread now. I hope that things will not propagate to the
entire world. I wish my kids and yours can live in a better world. This
is why I am supporting ATTAC. Have a look at www.attac.org.

It was an honor to talk with you Al. I am glad that not like others, you
don't take my mistakes in English for arrogant French words ;-)

Cheers, MJC

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