Huw rejoins

Mark Edmonds mmje at MMJE.DEMON.CO.UK
Sun Oct 14 04:48:37 EDT 2001

Each to their own of course. Years back, a friend of mine and myself cycled
30 miles on the crudiest bikes you ever saw to a HW gig in Ramsgate (or was
it Margate?). We got there mid afternoon just as HW were doing their
soundcheck - the only thing I remember from that was the amazing raw and
crunching version of WFT they did - a total transformation from the stodge
on CYM. That's the great thing about the CYM album. The studio versions
sound pretty mushy but live, they are a different beast. You can't compare
WFT and SMG - totally different structures and styles. Anyway, it was a
great gig, the only time I saw Calvert but I got sand in my camera and the
pics never came out.

But of course, Huw never contributed anything - just things like the
signature solos on Motorway City or Dust of Time or tracks like Rocky Paths
or Moonglum or Dreaming City or Waiting For Tomorrow - not much, nah!
(insert smilie here).

Rambling Mark

> -----Original Message-----
> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
> Behalf Of Jonathan Jarrett
> Sent: 13 October 2001 17:48
> Subject: Re: Huw rejoins
> On Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 01:34:02PM +0100, Kevin Perry wrote:
> > Huh?
> >
> > Listen to Solitary Mind Games, Dreaming City, Waiting For
> Tomorrow, Moonglum
> > and Sword of the East (a random selection off the top of my
> head) and then
> > tell me they all sound the same.
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Stuckey, Robert" <robert.stuckey at WCOM.CO.UK>
> > Subject: Re: Huw rejoins
> > >
> > >    Couldn't agree more, with the possible exception of Motorway City,
> > >   everything else Huw did was bollocks, especially the
> Chronicles stuff
> > >   ...dull, dull, dull...he made all the tracks he played on sound
> > >   the same!!!!
>         Well, if we leave out `Sword of the East' we get left mostly with
> the tracks he wrote except `Tides' (which I rather like) and I'd say
> `Moonglum' is the only one that doesn't sound like it came off a
> production line myself. I find it very hard to tell `Solitary Mind Games'
> and `Waiting for Tomorrow' apart until they get to the chorus. I still
> like them mind but I don't think they're exactly varied. Yours,
>                                                                 Jonathan
> --
> Jonathan Jarrett, part-time bookseller's assistant & medieval historian
> Pembroke Cambridge   "I flatter myself that we are almost the only people
> Birkbeck London       who understand and relish _nonsense_." (Hazlitt)

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