Nick Medford nick at HERMIT0.DEMON.CO.UK
Thu Oct 25 12:28:48 EDT 2001

In message <200110251332.JAA11937 at listserv.spc.edu>, Mark Von Bargen
<mark.von-bargen at GENIE.CO.UK> writes
>Surprising but true,
>This weeks NME contains a short but positive review of the RFH show. It
>even acknowledges Hawkwind's influence on every current psychadelic band.
>Short but positive - a surprise.
>The review has not yet made it onto their website at WWW.NME.COM

Haven't seen it, I gave up buying the NME about a decade ago, but will
check their website for it in due course. They also had a very positive review
of last year's Xmas Astoria gig - this was on the website, maybe still is. It
was rather amusing though, clearly having been written by someone with
only a nodding acquaintance (if that) with HW's muse.

I find it hard to set too much store by such things- psych music is vaguely
fashionable again, and papers like the NME are all about fashion, far more
than they are about than music. Give it another year and they'll be calling
HW boring old hippy wasters again.
Nick Medford

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