OFF: RE: HW: Mission Control: New Orders

Nick Medford nick at HERMIT0.DEMON.CO.UK
Tue Oct 30 07:09:22 EST 2001

On Tue, 30 Oct 2001 00:29:44 -0600, Tom Clark <tclark at PETRONET.NET> wrote:

>For what it's worth...I think it's a kewl web site, Rik.   Keep it up!!!

I agree! As a non-techie, much of what's been discussed here means nothing
to me, but what I do know is that, on my decidedly non-state-of-the-art PC,
the site is entertaining in the finest Hawkwind tradition. Which seems to
me to be the point. Whether there are other ways of achieving the same
visual effects I don't know, and nor do I give a toss. Keep up the good
work Rik.

>It's amazing how some people can get anal retentive about shit.

Well, it's the obvious thing to get anal retentive about, I guess.


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