Thunder Rider In Steel Bird Of White Man

mike c deltawave at METRONET.COM
Mon Sep 10 12:23:03 EDT 2001

<<"Cullman?  How did they find that place?  Throw a dart at a map?  No
matter, I'd
make the road trip regardless......who would Nik be touring with?">>Tom C

The understanding I got was that it is a result of a large fan of Mr
Quimby's Beard residing there, who is a key to this location mystery......

 I am in touch with Judge Trev now, and can tell you it is DEFINATE, as
well as
further confirmation from the party that is handling Nik's affairs over here-

 I am sorry but I forgot who the other musicians are to be, though I did
hear who they were, and this is NOT a Farflung /Pressurehed thing, it is
something else-  I am hoping that Nik will get to grace the stage with
other acts, as well as the time spot he has been alotted, which I don't
think is great-

but this may change???  things always seem to, and it *is* the Nik god-

only one little problem-   if Trev is not there, the Hells Angels have
promised to cause pandemonium on a scale much worse than Altemont ......and
the price was very reasonable......either way, I will be highly amused,
very drunk, and grinning ear to ear...


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