OFF: Anthrax

Layla Thompson lthompson3 at UCLAN.AC.UK
Wed Sep 19 15:32:19 EDT 2001

don't make me worry more than I already am...


 some of us (namely ME) are currently in a perminant state of panic because I don't want to be killed by a bunch of bomb-dropping/anthrax-throwing bastards!!!!

 (Breath Layla, don't forget to breath......)

 cough...  cough...

L. xx

>>> hawkfan at BLUEYONDER.CO.UK 09/19/01 07:26pm >>>
Eric Siegerman wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 05:33:18PM -0500, Karen Kusic wrote:
> > Anything to worry about???
> >
> >
> That someone (military or terrorist) will someday release anthrax
> as a weapon?  Yeah, probably.  At least a couple of governments
> have prepared stocks of the stuff.  It's only a matter of time, I
> suspect.

Rather than worrying about nations releasing anthrax on the unsuspecting
flock, shouldn't responsible DJs and socially aware people generally be
releasing Hawkwind on their neighbours, friends and loved ones in an effort
to raise the level of the vibrations (sic) of the planet?

f rat

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