BOC-L Digest - 19 Sep 2001 to 20 Sep 2001 (#2001-356)

Stuckey, Robert robert.stuckey at WCOM.CO.UK
Mon Sep 24 04:52:46 EDT 2001

>Rather than worrying about nations releasing anthrax on the unsuspecting
>flock, shouldn't responsible DJs and socially aware people generally be
>releasing Hawkwind on their neighbours, friends and loved ones in an effort
>to raise the level of the vibrations (sic) of the planet?
>f rat

   What's wrong with Anthrax?....I quite liked 'Among the Living'!!
  While I agree they may not represent the best in thrash metal,
  I do not believe they would make an effective weapon of
  mass destruction.

    cheers - Rob

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