OFF: Concert Attendance

Guido N. Vacano nycademon at HOME.COM
Sat Sep 29 10:35:06 EDT 2001

        Well, I'm not a Baby Boomer, but as I get older, I find I have less and
less tolerance for the concert "audience" (if that's the correct term for a
group of people who are at a concert for a whole slew of reasons that have
nothing to do with listening to music). I'm all for an enthusiastic
audience; cheering, whistling, clapping, yelling, stomping, etc. It's the
people who are loudly conversing during your favorite song, or the tone-deaf
moron who thinks he's a better singer than anyone on stage and is definitely
louder, or the drunk guy who barfs on your tarp at an outdoor show, or the
dread-headed pseudo deadhead who hasn't washed in two weeks who's hopping
about like a non-stop epileptic on speed, or the person who apparently does
not have a seat and is strangely compelled to stand in front of you or
closer to you than your last bed partner. Clearly respect and courtesy are
things of the past.

        Oh well, I go anyway. :-)


P.S. Some audiences are great. The folks who go out to see Hawkwind, Ozric
Tentacles, King Crimson, California Guitar Trio, John Scofield, and George
Clinton, for example.

nextConcert1: Alice Cooper on Oct 2
nextConcert2: L. Shankar and Zakir Hussain on Oct 6

-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
Behalf Of M Holmes
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2001 7:52 AM
Subject: Re: OFF: Concert Attendance

>         Of course fewer people are going to concerts because travel costs
> are going up, and home entertainment is so much better than it used to be
> and so much cheaper than going out;

I think it's also that the baby boomers grew up and can't much be
bothered with the hassle of anything other than a stadium gig. As far as
I can see, generation X would rather pack out a barn for a rave than go
to a gig.


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