HW: Simon King and Mike Moorcock

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Tue Apr 9 16:42:57 EDT 2002

On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 09:57:03PM -0500, Doug Pearson typed out:
> On Wed, 30 Jan 2002 18:45:17 -0800, Allan T. Grohe, Jr.
> <grodog at PACBELL.NET> wrote:
> >I don't recall offhand if MM has ever played an instrument with HW at
> >a show, but certainly some members of HW must have performed with MM
> >during Deep Fix gigs (if any?).
> The Deep Fix performed at Nik Turner's Bohemian Love-In at the Roundhouse
> (along with Nik's Sphynx & the Damned) with MM on guitar and Ade Shaw on
> bass (in the Griffin 'Illustrated Collectors Guide' interview, Moorcock
> mentions his Guild? hollowbody being crushed at the show).  Not sure who
> the drummer was.

        The personnel for that gig are listed by Brian Tawn in Hawkfan 12
as MM, Pete Pavli and Ade Shaw; I'm not sure there *was* a drummer. If
there were I'd have expected someone as obsessive as Brian to have
mentioned them ;-)

        But as for the original question, I don't know if the first Deep
Fix (of _New World's Fair_ fame) ever performed live, but its drummer was
Terry Ollis, wasn't it? Among others, but principally. Or such is the
impression the album's liner notes give... Yours,

        Jonathan Jarrett                Birkbeck College, London
                 jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk
  "The large print giveth and the small print taketh away." (Tom Waits)

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