superskull 666 comments.. Time to remove him !!!!!

Iain Ferguson IainFerguson at AOL.COM
Thu Aug 1 08:13:02 EDT 2002

Right Charlie,

Apart from really trying to not loose my fucking temper with your
imbecilic messages including  the one below,  You also seem to have a
nasty fucking tendency towards the racist right  " previous mails about

Can I suggest you please not sent anymore mails... I've not read one
that seems even slightly interesting and just filling my mailbox with
filth and crap.

Who ever in control of this list can we look at getting this peice of
excrement removed please I for one find him offensive and obviously
works for the wrong side.

superskrull666 at YAHOO.CO.UK wrote:

>Hawkwind have no right to rip off or fleece their
>fans, particularly those adults among us who are not
>virgins here or elsewhere for that matter, be it
>metalheads, punks or hippys who don't give a fuck
>about the band except for their music and their more
>honorable intentions and traditions. Hawkwind have
>over the years produced a massive quantity of quality
>and not so quality music for fans of good music of
>invaluable wealth to modern subculture we'd hate to
>see turn into an operation to target their fans as
>simpletons. Hawkwind fans, give Dave Brock and his
>cronies the finger when it counts, and forgive him for
>being a fucking retard on occasion and tell him to
>take a piss at humanity and its repercussions
>elsewhere like a gentleman.
>-Charlie Yuga
>crankstuf: marmelade, makka, kransekake
>speedfreak Front 242: take a walk
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