Hawkwind - from Motorway City to Eternal City

Tom Byrne t.byrne at NTLWORLD.COM
Tue Dec 10 16:42:08 EST 2002

Just gleaned from "Space-Rock Review":

> Hawkwind to play the Vatican?
> Rumours abound that the reason for the cancellation of the latter half of
> the UK winter tour was in fact a command from the highest echelons of the
> Church.
> Following 20 years of negotiations which started with the release of the
> heretical "Church of Hawkind" album, Hawkwind and Rome are now reconciled,
> and the Vatican have agreed to call their site Holy Ritual.net.
> To celebrate their new found understanding, Hawkwind have agreed to play a
> special Christmas concert at St Peter's, which will include their more
> religious works - from the haunting "Silver Machine Requiem" through  the
> touching tale of what every cyber child wants out of his Christmas gifts
> Faults And Battery" , to a dark tale of post party disaster "The Morning
> Void" and its immediate corollary "We Were Born to Go".
> A full report featuring interviews with Dave Brock, Cardinal Marchinkus
> several one-eyed bishops is published at:
>  http://digilander.libero.it/caricacell/

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