Browsers are a big pile of ****.

Rik Rx hw at CY-B.ORG
Fri Feb 8 14:16:02 EST 2002


Yepz AOL is indeed the spawn of Satan, and Nettley 6 definitely seems to
have lost the plot along the way.....

But the plot thickens further.....

We have enough probs already coding stuff for sites that ask us to include
java/flash/etc in their pages, as we have to to build in browser sniffers
for about 20 combinations of brows/plat/opsys. And test each combo... oh
joy. (some sites have several thousand pages) What makes it even harder is
where different versions of the major browsers even render stuff however
they feel like it... One slip of the HTML and a companies corporate homepage
looks like a jackson pollock on some systems.....

We're updating the MC site at the moment, and we stuck in some natty Java
applets here and there (with grillions of autofilters for 'no whizzbang /
plain text users' before people moan - you know who you are!), but what do
our friends at micro$oft do? - release their latest browser without the Java
engine built in. Oh how we laughed. So they expect everyone to do the 6mb
download shuffle eh..... oh yeah, the average joe/josephine public are
really  gonna  do that in a hurry.... so here we go a re-coding...



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>> > AOL uses IE, which on my machine is the 'default browser'...
>AOL?  That's a virus isn't it?  Delivery method - through the letterbox.
>How it works - people put it in the CD drive.  It then proceeds to f*** up
>the host machine completely.
>Ironic that AOL use a version of IE as their default browser, given that
>they own Nutscrape.

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