HW: Hawkwind's Lemmy, Nik and...

slak zak motoringmojo at YAHOO.COM
Mon Jan 28 12:41:03 EST 2002

Eli -

The Warriors at the Edge of Time release, by
Cleopatra, contains a large collecters book of
Hawkwind related items, and several interviews.  One
is with Moorcock and he discuss his friendship with
Calvert, and how he did perform with Hawkwind as a
bass player for a period of time.  This is probably

Blessings - Jay

--- Eli Friedman <EliPXR5 at AOL.COM> wrote:
> In a message dated 1/28/02 5:57:47 AM,
> sskane at BIGPOND.NET.AU writes:
> << "Lemme a fiver" is where the name comes from. As
> far as I know speed has
> never been called lemmy.
>  >>
> This is correct. I was getting worried by the end of
> the morning you guys
> would be buying this "lemmy means speed" nonsense.
> Sheesh. Also Moorcock and
> Calvert both never played bass in Hawkwind. Also
> amphetamine sulphate was the
> cause of the bust, misidentified at that moment by
> cocaine by the authorities.

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