HW: walthamstow stuff

Nick Lee nick.lee2 at VIRGIN.NET
Thu Oct 31 15:32:05 EST 2002

Definitely near to the venue for me.
Thanks again for looking into this,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Arin Komins" <akomins at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU>
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 8:01 PM
Subject: HW: walthamstow stuff

> Hi folks,
> Still getting details from hotels.
> eek, but they are expensive around that time period.
> So far, the best deals have come in from Comfort Inn Vauxhall (on the
> Victoria Line just south of the thames) and from the Holiday Inn Express
> in chingford (approx 1/4 mile from the venue, according to Rik.)
> (Although I'm still waiting on confirmation from the latter, so don't
> call them yet...)
> The former is about 60 pounds a night, the latter should be about 50.
> I'm off away at a conference in Philly next week, so can spend more time
> harassing hotels in the evening...but my general question:
> Are folks ok with something up by the walthamstow venue, or do you want to
> be in central london?
> Thx,
> Arin
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Arin Komins                                   akomins at uchicago.edu
> Manager of Web Systems Architecture
> University of Chicago/NSIT                      tel: (773)834-4087
> 1155 E. 60th St. #302B Chicago, IL 60637        fax: (773)702-0559
> ------------------------------------------------------------------

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