touring bands

John McIntyre mcintyre at PA.MSU.EDU
Fri Sep 20 09:09:38 EDT 2002

Ted Jackson wrote:

> On 19 Sep 2002, at 20:55, Mike Montfort wrote:
> > also played 2 songs from Ian McDonald's solo album 'Drivers Eyes', 2
> > songs from the recently re-released 'McDonald and Giles' album,
> I always wondered about these guys' post-KC stuff.  How are these
> two discs?

I love the _McDonald & Giles_ album, especially the ending of "Birdman
Suite".  I once used that ending as a music bed for a jewelry commercial
for a radio production class and apologized to my instructor for going a
bit over the time limit.  He said, "With music that gorgeous, no one's
going to complain about you going over the time limit."

John McIntyre
Physics - Astronomy Domine Dept
Michigan State University
mcintyre at

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