HW: BOC: Moorcock interview

Ben F. 55018 vulcanfoundry at BLUEYONDER.CO.UK
Sun Apr 20 18:17:44 EDT 2003

I didn't even know it was out. What's it about :)

Arin Komins wrote:

>On Sun, 20 Apr 2003, [iso-8859-1] Alan Linsley wrote:
>:Subject: Re: HW: BOC: Moorcock interview
>:Currently reading his latest, the Skrayling Tree - skipping ahead I
>:noticed there is a chapter called "The Hawk Wind". :-)
>:Dreamthief AL
>Having just finished the Skrayling Tree this morning, I can honestly say
>that it does not appear to have much in common with our favorite band :-(
>(yay Dream of the Thousand Years!)
>Arin Komins                                   akomins at uchicago.edu
>Manager of Web Systems Architecture
>University of Chicago/ENSS/NSIT                 tel: (773)834-4087
>1155 E. 60th St. #302B Chicago, IL 60637        fax: (773)702-0559

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