Psychedelic Warlords -White Zone

Amphetamine Embalmer superskrull666 at YAHOO.CO.UK
Thu Jan 16 13:43:00 EST 2003

Date:    Thu, 16 Jan 2003 17:48:13 +0800
From:    William Duffy <xl5 at IINET.NET.AU>
Subject: Re: Psychedelic Warlords -White Zone

>It was released bere "Business", & I don't think it
is >like that album at all. The only similarity is
that >this one is all instrumental, which the other
almost >was, but I think there's a lot more creativity
on this
>one. I also think it is much heavier.


I bought this when it came out in the cheap bin and
wondered what kind of Hawkwind release it was. Parts
of it was later remixed for Dave Brock's "Strange
Dreams And Pipe Dreams" if I remember correctly. It is
very much an album in the style of "IITBOTFTBD",
rather ambient really.

> i do have a copy of this and indeed it does have a
very "techno" feel
> about it, but also very obviously "hawkwind at the
same time". i can't
> remember if it was released before or after it is
the future... but IMHO
> the two go very much "hand in hand"

I think it came out right before.


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