OFF: Other Bands - Guilty pleasures

DRider Hawkwind at ATTBI.COM
Tue Jan 21 19:18:32 EST 2003

Wow Mike......
You have alot to feel guilty about....")

While I say that I came to HW via Motorhead, I was a big Prog freak as a
kid, as well......

Way back when, Yes and ELP were 2 of my favorites....

In fact, in 1984 when I bought my first CD player and the first batch of
CD's, I got the Yes Album and Brain Salad Surgery........

I even got put in jail for disturbing the peace when I borrowed a new (at
the time) Harmon Kardon 100 watt integrated amp and blasted Close To The

I have to say though....

I never liked the Buggles. I hated the Video Killed The Radio Star song and
I thought that the addition of Buggles to Yes was the beginning of the end
for them. Dram had some high points, but after that....

Of course, it's my understanding that Chris Squire wanted to take the band
off to the pop realm. So there ya go......



-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Montfort [mailto:mikemont at NYCAP.RR.COM]
Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2003 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: OFF: Other Bands - Guilty pleasures

Funny most of the "guilty pleasures" listed I proudly proclaim to be a fan

For starters I came to Hawkwind from Prog not Metal.. so I think Yes, ELP,
etc are amazing.

And no you can't wind me up over the Buggles.  I was a DJ in Los Angeles in
the early 80's when "new wave" started and there were a ton of great bands
that have stood the test of time musically. I liked the Buggles before they
met up with Yes for the Drama album.  I even saw the Buggles meets Yes

I loved the Glam/Glitter bands of the 70's and 80's like Queen, Sweet, Kiss
etc so I don't feel guilty about those either

Ok so then my guilty pleasures:

Dan Fogleberg.  My wife is into Fogleberg.  I saw him live a few years ago
and he was touring with a very hard rocking band. Great show.

Nancy Griffith.

Spice Girls first CD.

As a youth I liked the Bay City Rollers and Abba.

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