HW: backup irc channel

Arin Komins akomins at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU
Wed Jan 22 20:33:08 EST 2003

Hi folks,

As some of you may know, irc.dal.net has been extremely sporadic over the
last few months due to excessive DDoS attacks.

While dal.net is having troubles, I've created a backup irc channel on a
different irc network, newnet.net, with Rik's permission.

You should be able to use any irc client that you prefer in order to
connect.  If you do not have an irc client, try downloading Rik's custom
mirc client for windows at http://www.hawkwind.org.uk/irc/HW-IRC.zip, or
try http://ww.mirc.com/.

Macintosh users can use http://www.ircle.com/.

Unix users can use a handful of clients.  I rather like ircII myself ;-)

There is also a Java client present on the http://www.newnet.net/ home

(I also have a Mozilla javascript file that will allow you to connect to
newnet.  If you are interested in that, please email me.)

To connect:

from your irc client type:

/server irc.newnet.net
/join #hawkwind.org.uk

and you should be in channel.  We've tended to be most active between
10pm-midnight UK time (4pm-6pm chicago time ;-) ), with weekends seeing
folks dropping on channel after 7pm uk time (but feel free to stop by
and lurk until people show up ;-) ).

newnet.net supports many of the same features as dal.net (nickname
registry, channel services, memo-writing, etc.)

If, for some reason, you are having problems connecting with
irc.newnet.net, try the individual servers comprising newnet, ie:

irc.eskimo.com          US
irc.aohell.org          US
irc.josephbarnhart.net  US
irc2.fdt.net            US
irc.eviltwins.org       US
irc.dividedspace.com    US
irc.moo.me.uk           UK
irc.flamez.net          US
irc.firex.org           US
irc.linux-friendly-56k.com      US
irc.sweatnet.net        US


Arin Komins                                   akomins at uchicago.edu
Manager of Web Systems Architecture
University of Chicago/ENSS/NSIT                 tel: (773)834-4087
1155 E. 60th St. #302B Chicago, IL 60637        fax: (773)702-0559

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