HW : introductions

m.j.crook at TALK21.COM m.j.crook at TALK21.COM
Mon Jun 16 15:24:27 EDT 2003

RoadHawks - not available on CD, but a good compilation and it was the one the that got me hooked.


> seeing as the group seems to have been a bit quiet in the last few days
>(either that or me e-mails up the creak!)here's a question for people -
>what album would you reccomend or for that matter lend or buy for someone
>who has never heard hawkwind, if you like the ideal introduction to the
>band, to get the ball rolling and after much deliberation i would go with
>LEVITATION, with the EPOCH 3 cd set a close second.
>depending on how this goes i may or may not use some of the material on
>the web site (the one that involves hawkwind and a museum!) so if anybody
>would rather i not use their words then say so in your message or e-mail
>me direct at dplaw at ic24.net, anyway look forward to your thoughts!

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May there always be starlight on the path...Burnham Jr.

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