HW: Audience Participation

Ben Fagin vulcanfoundry at BLUEYONDER.CO.UK
Wed Mar 5 14:59:54 EST 2003

It strikes me while watching this Status Quo Video that Hawkwind have never
been an Audience Participation band in the same way. What I mean is that Quo
seem to have a Command Structure where Francis Rossi tells the audience to
"Sing" "Let's be havin' ya" "you do an o o"  "I'll do an o o" "Helloooo"
lifting his Arms then theres a whole loads of closures like "schtum" or "This
is a song about a prostitute that Rick used to know, is it?????" Then the
whole audience falls dumb silent.

I far prefer the Hawks approach.

All the Quo stuff makes me cringe, it really does. The musics ok but I really
cant get involved "in that way" Doing an agadoo or even the Slade stuff.
Sorry Folks.

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