Henderson Keith keith.henderson at PSI.CH
Thu Mar 6 11:51:35 EST 2003

CBS fails the math exam...

> you oughta score it and sell it on ebay.

Why?  I don't embrace 'opportunistic capitalism'...
what do you think I am, American?  :)

(Now, if I'd found a really large Chee-to in my
bag of munchies, it'd be entirely different story!)

Really, not to sound superior and all "idealistic"
and everything...but I am just fine offering such
things (as I've been doing for quite some number
of years) at 'cost.'  I'll continue to go to every
little second-hand CD shop everywhere I travel from
now until the cows come home, whether or not I
find bargain discs (that I already own)...the ones
I find that I *don't* already own are ok too, and
in fact the whole point!

So anyway, you failed miserably the math, so you
aren't eligible to receive it until you get it
right....and then maybe you won't want it then either.

> but - ok if its still available I
> will have it.  Maybe I can add it to my tradeable list
> or something :)  2 pounds is like nearly $6 AU - bargain
> I'll take two of em :))  ok one 'll do  -  let me know

Here it is again...c'mon, it's not that hard (BTW, the
CHF-UKP exchange is about 2.15...I was close.)

> > So anyway, it's still here available for (I think) a measly
> > 32 Swiss Francs, and last time I checked, there were 2.2
> > of those per British pound....so you do the math.

Grakkl (FAA)

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