Doug Bates Doug.Bates at TUCCSTER.TUCC.UAB.EDU
Thu Mar 6 12:16:33 EST 2003

>Because it was the HW list subject going and if I wanted to discuss it
>privately I wouldn't write anything to the list. So why to reply to me
>privately? He was afraid to show to all how clever and polite he is?

OK, this is like arguing with a child, and I knew that before my first
email. So I guess I deserve this.

Keith explained it to you, but you didn't get it, and most likely my
explanation would have the same result. If you don't understand the
question, the answer won't make sense either.

Alisa, please respond in one email if you must, sometimes posting
over and over is like standing in quicksand.

Sorry to everyone who had to read these off-topic emails. The last
thing I wanted was the Nik vs Dave thread again.

Doug Bates

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