HW: vanished websites "return"

Steve Youles youless at LVCM.COM
Thu May 15 02:09:42 EDT 2003

Apologies to those on the Yahoo! list, who are in effect seeing this
message twice.

Bob Lennon discovered a brilliant free web service that maintains an
archive of vanished websites.  It's called the Internet Archive Wayback
Machine and is at http://web.archive.org

As you need to know the URL of the vanished site you want to access, it's
not quite as easy to use as (say) Google.  But I have a page on my site
relating to vanished Hawkwind websites and fortunately I know the URL's to
those sites.  So anyone who wants to see (for example) Knut Gewer's
excellent Spirit of the (P)age website again, I have a link that will take
you there...

Go to my page http://www.starfarer.net/wherenow.html and look for the cyan
(light blue) text.  For every vanished website listed on that page, I have
checked out whether it can still be accessed via the Internet Archive
Wayback Machine, and if it can, I've posted a link (royal blue) for you to
click on.

Oh, and Andy Cobley's Sonic Attack site has reappeared, for those of you
that remember it.  There's a link to it on the page of mine that I referred
to above.

Happy Surfing


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