HW: Hawkwind - Sonic Assassins

Henderson Keith keith.henderson at PSI.CH
Mon Apr 5 08:19:19 EDT 2004

Andreas offers...

>just ordered the book from Amazon.de (German version) as a "Pre-release".
>I´m looking VERY MUCH forward to it. The passages of the book which you
>gave me to read last December during our breakfast I think were amazing.
>If the rest of the book is only half as good it will be the definitive
>book about Hawkwind.

German version??  Really, was this somehow part of the 'deal' that you
got, Ian?  BTW, *did* you have some sort of deal (i.e., advance and
the like) to write such a book?  How does that even work?  No need to
publicly divulge anything you feel isn't anyone's else (darn) business.
(I just ask 'cause my sister-in-law gets contracts to write 'small-run'
books and was wondering how it works, though from what I'm reading
yours isn't so 'small-run' if it's so high on the preorder rankings!...
and I thought maybe someday I could do a 'reference' book on global
space-rock, in the vein of the Freeman's krautrock guide and Chris
Williams' excellent UK-Psych book, so just a one-stop-shopping
alternative to their works, but was never sure anyone would ever care
enough to have one (in print), given what one can now learn online,
e.g. in the virtual pages of A-I.com and the like.)  Anyway, this Saf
Publishing...they are 'part of the system' (global distribution,
connected to some sort of major company?) or are they like a true 'indie
label' (to use that analogy...does it work for publishing?)?  A lot
(or heaps?!) of indie music goes through Amazon these days, yeah, so
not so sure how to tell.

But anyway, German version?  Who did the translation?  And how much
does the Sanskrit version cost?  Any plans to have it translated into
Semiphore?  Morse Code?  Aldis Lamp?  :)  OK, maybe not, but how
'bout an 'audio book' version for those with failing eyesight (some
of us aren't so young any more) - maybe that Matthew Wright dude could
do the reading?

Crikey...now which version do I buy?  How many pages is it?

Grakkl (FAA)...who might possibly be looking for something to 'do' in
year 2005, sadly back in the US*, while waiting for Germany to finally
push through the new Zuwanderungsgesetz that would allow scientists to
have immediate rights to unconditional residency, which is now seemingly
held up in the Bundestag by issues related to tracking the movement of
terrorists, made even more urgent by incidents like the Madrid bombing
...sigh.  (But at least they're considering something of the sort, which
is more than I can say for Switzerland, who have the opinion that I am
not even physically *here* right now from an 'immigration' perspective.)

*unless I go to Canada, who is the only country right now *lowering*
their standards for getting in, from what I can tell...

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