What is your Top Five?

Stephan Forstner stemfors at PIPELINE.COM
Mon Jan 26 13:13:47 EST 2004

Number 1:
 Space Ritual
Number 2-5 in no particular order:
 In Search of Space
 Doremi Fasol Latido
 Hall of the Mountain Grill
 Warrior on the Edge of Time

This does make it look like I don't appreciate their later work, but that's
not at all true - I just think that at this point in time they were not
just creating great music but also creating something new that is
influential to this day, and though the same could be said of QS&C,
Levitation, and the RCA albums, I have a slight personal preference for the
chaotic (and analog) edge present on their earlier stuff. Some other
contenders - Complete Live 79, Palace Springs, Live 1990, IITBOTFTBD /
Business Trip / White Zone.


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