HW: Lemmy in the Guardian

Jon Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Thu Jul 15 07:30:03 EDT 2004

On Mon, 31 May 2004, Doug Pearson wrote:

> Nothing revelatory here (it's the Guardian, not a music rag!), but always
> enjoyable to read pontifiactions from the man ...
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/arts/features/story/0,11710,1228373,00.html

        That's a quality interview! Send someone who doesn't like heavy
metal to interview Lemmy, of course! But how many other rockstars would
you get anything like that much content from with so little about the

        Odd, though, it suggests he doesn't do speed any more. Since it
dates an apparent transition only to alcohol from 1975, I think that might
have been a misunderstanding but given how he evangelises it in other
interviews I've seen, a difficult one to explain... Yours,

                Jonathan Jarrett, Birkbeck College, London
    jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk/ejarr01 at students.bbk.ac.uk
  "As much as the vision of the blind man improves with the rising sun,
       So too does the intelligence of the fool after good advice."
       (Bishop Theodulf of Orleans, late-eight/early-ninth century)

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