HW: Northampton Last Night

Nick Lee nick.lee2 at VIRGIN.NET
Sat May 1 08:36:29 EDT 2004

Another superb gig last night.
Ian, Bill (says hi to Ian Abrahams) and myself arrived in time to grab a
drink have a quick chat with Steve Hibbert while buying programmes
(signed tonight) then cram into the auditorium where we find Dave Hall,
just in time for Huw's set.  Not the best I've heard him do this tour
but very good, particularly when joined by Rich and Dibs for a cover of
Smokestack Lightning.  Still no harmonica for Dave so he doesn't join in
on Hurry On Sundown, perhaps we should club together and get him one in
time for next gig?

Hawkwind tonight were the best they've been all tour for me.  The
low-ish ceiling didn't do the video clips & images any favours but the
psychedelics worked superbly in the closer confines of this hall,
shining off the lighting gantries and sides of the hall.  The band were
tighter than, Richard starting the show with a reading of Adjust Me
before launching into Angela Android.  Same set as Manchester but even
tighter and heavier.  Dave was playing a LOT of lead guitar,
particularly on The Right Stuff, Spirit of the Age, Brainbox Pollution
(matching Alan's bass run here) and Brainstorm.  Absolutely stunning.
A mention should go to Fleece, as once again the sound was excellent
last night.
Shame there's only one more gig that I can manage this tour.


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