HW RE: off into dodgy vinyl ness

David Dobbie david.dobbie at BT.COM
Fri May 28 04:47:41 EDT 2004

There are two types of cartridge on turntables Moving Magnet MM and
Moving Coil MC, and the provide a very different ouput level so you need
a phono stage ( pre-amp ) for the right kind. I assume your phono stage
is for the one that provides the weaker signal. The phono input on any
amp is going to be either MC or MM, some are switchable eg have a switch
on out side of amp, some are modular eg you can change a circuit board
inside the amp. Phono amps are unique as they have to comply to the RIAA
distortion curve, which none do exactly so every turntable has its
unique sound mine has too much low end which I really like. My Tuner is
made by QED and I believe they do phono stage amps, and I would recomend
them my amp is very good indeed the sound quality is amazing, oh it was
not cheap but I think good hi-fi is worth the invesment, mine is ten
years old and still going strong.
now I have a certain sound in my head ????????? MC

rock on brothers and sisters

-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET]
On Behalf Of Jon Jarrett
Sent: 28 May 2004 01:08
Subject: Re: HW RE: off into dodgy vinyl ness

On Tue, 27 Apr 2004, Eric Siegerman wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 07:19:51PM +0100, Jon Jarrett wrote:
> >         I'm curious as to this idea of recycled vinyl; what was it
> > being recycled from? Not old records surely!
> There were rumours of this as far back as the late 70s.  We believed
> that funky-coloured records (red, clear, etc.) couldn't be made from
> recycled vinyl, and so offered a guarantee against that particular
> form of shoddiness.
> All of this was rumour and hearsay; now, I wouldn't bet a nickel
> either way on any of the above assertions :-)

        I didn't quite understand where they were supposed to be getting
the old records from, is all? Remaindered stock thrown into the furnace?
I suppose it could have happened... But actually I see Mike Montfort
cleared that one up, thanks.

> >         Oh, and while I'm on the subject, does anyone know if such
> > things as one-channel pre-amps are available which might solve my
> > turntable problem?
> I take it your amp is too new to have a "phono" input?  Yes, you can
> get a "phono preamp" to boost the turntable's outputs up to the
> standard levels expected by amplifiers' "auxiliary" inputs, computer
> sound cards, and other devices.  I've never used one, so I can't make
> recommendations.

        No, it's more complex than that. My amp has a phono input, but
my turntable has a very weak output. As otherwise it's gorgeous and
they're not easy things to get anyway, for the sort of money I have at
least, I need something that will whack up the voltage from the
turntable to what phono level should be. I suspect a phono to aux one,
if it's fixed voltage, will be much too powerful. I need some sort of
variable resistor with its own power supply I can tape in the right
place I guess. Must do some looking. Thanks everyone for responses on
this yours,

                Jonathan Jarrett, Birkbeck College, London
    jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk/ejarr01 at students.bbk.ac.uk
  "As much as the vision of the blind man improves with the rising sun,
       So too does the intelligence of the fool after good advice."
       (Bishop Theodulf of Orleans, late-eight/early-ninth century)

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