OFF: Sky Cries Mary

Keith Henderson khenders64 at YAHOO.COM
Thu Apr 7 07:11:12 EDT 2005

For those that don't already know, Sky Cries Mary
recently reunited (nearly the same lineup from
three-four years ago) and are doing a new album.  In
roughly four hours (if I have my time changes right),
they'll be on the radio in Seattle (and online), if
anyone wants to listen in as to what they're doing.
We will be the featured North West band tomorrow,
April 7th on KEXP! The special will air tomorrow
morning at 8 a.m. PST. If you live in the
Seattle/Tacoma/Olympia area you can check it out at
90.3 or 91.7 FM. If you live elsewhere be sure to
listen online ( If you miss the show it
will be in their archive for the next two weeks.
Grakkl (FAA)

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