ATTN HW-Bootlegs on Ebay

Cyberkrel deadearnest at BTOPENWORLD.COM
Mon Aug 1 20:09:07 EDT 2005

That's what they said about vinyl about 17 years ago and look at it - sales
of 7 inch singles up 87% while sales of CD singles are down 23 %!!
It's the usual thing though - if enough people believe that the CD is dying
then it probably becomes a self-fulfiling prophecy until someone realises
what's going on and puts the brakes on just in time. You can bet you rbottom
dollar that the last thing the music industry wants is the CD to disappear,
although it's arguable even there as the costs for Universal, for example,
just to have  aload of bods in the office puting tracks on websites all day
long would no doubt be far preferable than having to worry about "those
godawful record shop things"!!!!
Dontcha just love "progress" - sadly, it nearly always seems to put
technology forst and people last!!!
Andy Garibaldi
----- Original Message -----
From: Carl Edlund Anderson <cea at CARLAZ.COM>
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: ATTN HW-Bootlegs on Ebay

  Anyway, it already feels like the days of the CD are numbered,
> doesn't it?
> Cheers,
> Carl
> --
> Carl Edlund Anderson
> mailto:cea at

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