NIK, Motorhead and other bits

Jon Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Tue Aug 2 17:14:00 EDT 2005

On Tue, 2 Aug 2005, Carl Edlund Anderson wrote:

> On 02/08/2005 12:22, Jon Jarrett wrote:
> > What I'm saying is, sloppy need not *necessarily* be bad :-)
> But I think that Phil got *more* sloppy over time, which the good Mr.
> Ward hasn't really.  (Somehow, Bill Ward turned in most plausible
> drumming on _Heaven & Hell_ whilst being too wasted to remember cutting
> the tracks!).  So the sort of "breathless energy" vibe starts to go when
> the drummer starts to lose it.

        Phil Taylor sounds all right on _1916_ to these ears; has he done
any drumming since then? (I grant you that giving up drums is probably
going to decrease one's skill with them... )

> Ooooo .... If your drummer has only one setting, then freeform jams are
> gonna be tough to pull off.  A good jam has to "breathe" -- the drummer
> has got to be surfing the wave with everyone else (which is tough with
> only one setting!).

        I'd like to think that Terry still has more than one, given
how he did once, but he seems to need some help finding the
others... I'm not sure Space Ritual really encourages that sort of
deviation, you know? Thomas Crimble would get lost if it wasn't
4:4... Yours,

    Jonathan Jarrett    "There is scarce any tradition or popular error
    Birkbeck College     but stands also delivered by some good author."
        London         (Sir Thomas Browne, "Pseudodoxia Epidemica", 1646)

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