NIK - Space Ritual

Stephe lindas1 at ADELPHIA.NET
Fri Jul 22 06:51:39 EDT 2005

Hi, Well if you can get the Spaced out in London cd, which I think was from
Xmas 02 or 03. Its brilliant. There has been the cd that came out at last
Xmas. Short, but not bad. Theres been a DVD Out of the shadows, which I
never got, but I've heard was great. Then the snippets for the New one on
Mission control. I know its skimpy, but for those who can't get to the gigs,
we can still hear what goes on. The new one should be out soon, hopefully.
We're getting the freebie in the post, if you have a passport. I agree that
the gig reviews are opinions and not always the way it is. I've seen
opinions where people have said they new stuff sucks. I'll quit babbling
now. Cheers Stephe

> If I had any idea what Brock Ltd. sounded like these days, I might agree
> with you.  (Stupid trading policy eliminates any chance of that,
> though.)  Sure, there have been some glowing reviews lately, but I've
> learnt over the years that a lot of hyperbole passes across this list[*]
> regarding gigs, so it's best to take things with a handful of salt
> before slapping down the $1000... :-)
> Cheers,
> Paul.
> [*] Though I have found the esteemed Mr. Jarrett to be brutally reliable
> a lot of the time.
> --
> e-mail: paul at
> "See this note I've got here in my hand?
> It says I've lost my gig to a tribute band."
>     --- The Bevis Frond, "The Wind Blew All Around Me"

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