Fun face recognition

Hawkfan hawkfan at RATSAUCE.CO.UK
Tue Nov 29 12:11:30 EST 2005

>but we could have a competition for the best Catweazle

Other than Nik you mean.


-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List
[mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET]On Behalf Of M Holmes
Sent: 29 November 2005 16:47
Subject: OFF: Fun face recognition

Plug in a photo and it tells you who it looks like.

It takes a while, but you plug in a photo and it finds a famous
lookalike. I got John Travolta.

It failed to match a 1974 piccie of Lemmy though. Haven't tried with
anyone else yet but we could have a competition for the best Catweazle

Speaking of lookalikes though: on the titles of Malcolm in the Middle,
in the very first second, there's a shot of a cartoon figure with a dark
hood on. I swear it looks like Brock in some 1980's picture where I've
seen him in a hooded cowl - presumably Black Sword era.


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