HW: Launch Party Comp (extension)

eddie jobson eddiejobson at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Sep 1 10:30:17 EDT 2005

Well am I the first to report back from the TMTYL launch party?

Arrived at about 12.15 hot as you like in there, dark little club with a
good vibe though, fair few people that increased until about 1pm. Dave and
Kris were the only noticable people, Alan and Richard seemed to wander in
later. First beer was on HW which was nice, joined the queue to get Dave to
sign the poster for the new album, spoke to Matthew Wright also and asked
Dave would he be playing he said no way! Then got a signature from Alan who
said Spacehead were playing and we'll see what happens! (Sounded promising).
Spacehead played a jam, then Richard joined on drums and they did Shouldn't
do that and then the pressure seemed to mount on Dave and Matthew intorduced
them and they played Brainbox Pollution and Paradox. Great stuff, played
spontaneously on Spaceheads equipment.

I then had to leave to get back to work, but it was one of my better
lunchtime breaks. Bit pi**ed as it goes.


>From: Mick Davis <MICKYMOOCHER at AOL.COM>
>Reply-To: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List <BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET>
>Subject: Re: HW: Launch Party Comp (extension)
>Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 04:52:59 EDT
>2 tickets going spare for soho launch-work cropped up unexpectantly- just
>give the name mick davis at the door

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