Space Poetry

Jill Strobridge jill.strobridge at BLUEYONDER.CO.UK
Fri Sep 2 16:41:43 EDT 2005

I think this is an excellent place to try and raise the profile of
Bob Calvert's poetry.  I was going to suggest "First Landing on
Medusa" but I see that Edwin Morgan's "First Men on Mercury" is
there and since both poems seem to share a common concept I voted
for Starfarers Despatch and in the comments section said something
about it depicting the unromantic reality of work in space and
included the publication date and collection title.    They
probably won't find a copy but it might prompt someone to go


----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Medford" <nickmedford at HOTMAIL.COM>
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 11:31 AM
Subject: HW: Space Poetry

>A potentially novel way to publicise the new single...
> A vote for "The Starfarer's Despatch" by Robert Calvert seems in
> order...
> Won't win in a million years, of course, but might garner some
> media
> attention.
> Nick

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