HW: Planet Rock

Stephen Swann swann at PLUTONIA.COM
Thu Aug 31 10:18:33 EDT 2006

On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 04:37:24PM +0100, Carl Edlund Anderson wrote:
> This wording implies to me that we are actually only voting for our 
> favourite _Hawkwind_ albums -- not for our favourite classic rock albums 
> among which might number one or more Hawkwind albums.  If so, it would 
> look weird if *everyone* voted for Space Ritual (though it wouldn't 
> _completely_ shock me ;)

I'm just thinking of that bit in _Life of Brian_ where
he's encouraging the crowd to stop being such sheep.  He
chastises them "You are all individuals!" And the crowd
replies "We are all individuals!", except for one small
voice at the back of the crowd who shouts "I'm not!".  ;-)


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