Freeedom of Speech

trev judge48 at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Feb 7 10:35:07 EST 2006

all this shit, primarily, has nothing to do with religions - its to do with
a conflict of material interests in the world and basic human
characteristics like greed, egotism, paranoia, inability to communicate etc
(as usual - yawn)
however, when someone threatens to kill me just for drawing a picture or
saying something they don't like, well ...if they wanna get personal...??? i
mean self preservation will always outweigh truth and justice if you're
honest about it.

my own answer to this will be to form a new band, which i have been thinking
about for some time - an electric space rock band with an islamic sufi music
content. the sufis of northern india play music which fits really well with
standard straight rock rhythms. listen to these basicly 4/4 rhythms by good
old fatty ali khan

anyone know of any percussionists who can handle this (brighton area)

sufis are an islamic sect who believe in worshiping god via love.  sufi
musicians have been repeatedly banned from playing their music by their
power-mad right wing violent fundamentalist rulers. these political mullers
are no better than right wing bushites, nazis and thatcherites to name but a
few, and deserve the same degree of resistance if not more because they are
even more willing to kill musicians, writers and artists than our home-grown


judge trev

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----- Original Message -----
From: "M Holmes" <fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK>
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: Freeedom of Speech

> Hawkfan writes:
>> Erk, Outlook filed your posting in Junk Mail. I do hope that's not MS'
>> contribution to the current censorship debate ;-)
> Heh. I et they don't get to see it in China either.
>> Lets not forget that: 1.  99% of all groups are reasonable people but
>> the other 1% make 99% of the noise 2.  People have a tendency to get
>> more hard line the more you criticise them
> I'm fine with criticism. I'm not fine with people from other countries
> telling us that we can't publish something. If they're happy without
> freedom of speech then that's their lookout. They don't get to remove it
> from us because their laws and religion don't apply to us (at least
> those of us who aren't Muslim). That applies to both eating bacon
> sarnies and publishing anything we like.
>> When idiots start showing posters with "Death to xxx" on them (it's
>> not so long ago that the National Front would have replaced the xxx
>> with "Pakis")
> I'm in favour of freedom of speech.  That means that I'll shut up if the
> BNP march or if people dress as suicide bombers when that's how they
> want to do it.  Making death threats however crosses the line under
> incitement laws. We sold the pass when this happened with Salman
> Rushdie. It's time to retake it to make that particular point. I
> wouldn't have chosen something as dumb as cartoons to fight on, but
> someone else picked that fight.
>> that's not a good reason for fanning the flames.
> It's also not a good reason to surrender rights once again. Last time it
> was a book. This time it's a cartoon. Bacon sarnies next? Just how
> trivial can people get trying to apply their rules to us?
>> Rather we should be dampening them.  I don't think that the furore is
>> just due to the cartoons as I suspect the cartoons were a last straw.
> In fact it took a bunch of Danish Imams four months of hawking this
> protest around the middle east to get it to ignition heat.  When they
> began to realise that the original 12 drawings (commissioned to
> illustrate self-censorship, not to pick a fight - the guy was originally
> writing a kid's book about the life of Mohammed and couldn't find an
> illustrator) weren't bothering much of anyone.  To ramp it up, the Imams
> drew (or had drawn) a picture of the Prophet with a pig's snout and
> trotters (I'm guessing that this is just about as insulting as it's
> possible to get) and went on TV in Jordan (and a BBC international
> station) claiming that it was one of the Danish drawings.  They drew
> three fake drawings in all and have been exposed for this in Denmark -
> a big part of the reason the Danes are rather annoyed.
>> Free speech is an important principle, but it can be and has been
>> abused.
> That's the spin, but I don't buy it. Besides, it's not folks praising
> motherhood that are going to need defending, it's the folks who other
> folks get upset about.
> I'm heartened though that moderate Muslims in Britain are calling for
> arrests for incitement. I've been hoping for that since the Salman
> Rushdie affair over a decade ago. If they'd also help make the point that
> free speech is what's important in europe, I'd most happily join them on a
> march.
> FoFP

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