HW: Gig announcement

Arin Komins akomins at UCHICAGO.EDU
Thu Mar 2 11:42:26 EST 2006

On Thu, 2 Mar 2006, Hawkwind wrote:

:Subject: HW: Gig announcement
:Hello Folks!
:Hawkwind will be headlining the Eastern Haze Festival at Great Yarmouth 
:race course on Sat 22nd July 2006. For more details see www.easternhaze.com. 
:More details soon on Mission Control www.hawkwind.com 

Nice line-up for that one.  I'd add MQB, but otherwise, quite a nice 

Are there still thoughts on a separate hawkfest for the year?  Given the 
timing and the line-up, this almost could be hawkfest ;-)


(who still wishes that travelling to the UK via air from the US in the 
summer wasn't quite as egregiously expensive as it always seems to be...)
Arin Komins			       	      akomins at uchicago.edu
Infrastructure/Renewal Projects & Architecture
University of Chicago/NSIT/RP&A			tel: (773)834-4087
1155 E. 60th St. #307a, Chicago, IL 60637	fax: (773)702-0559

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