Hawkwind live at the 11th Roadburn Festival is available on demand

Colin Allen colinjallen at YAHOO.CO.UK
Fri May 12 05:12:22 EDT 2006

Record it using something like CD Wave or Soundforge and then burn it.

eddie jobson <eddiejobson at HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:  Fantastis stuff, thank you.

Is there a way someone can burn this onto disk as it's such good quality?


From: hawk lord 
Reply-To: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List 
Subject: Hawkwind live at the 11th Roadburn Festival is available on demand
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 20:05:38 +0000
>On behalf of Walter Hoeijmakers, the organisor of the Roadburn Festivals, 
>I'm pleased to post the following:
>Hawkwind live at the 11th Roadburn Festival is available on demand -here's 
>direct link to the on demand webcast:
>Dave Brock has remixed the recordings especially for the webcast -it's 74 
>minutes of
>pure spacerock mayhem...
>Enjoy it!
>Speel online games via MSN Messenger 

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