How to capture the Roadburn Festival webcast to disk

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Wed May 24 06:17:45 EDT 2006

On 23/05/2006 17:36, Paul Mather wrote:
>> How big does the HW Roadburn .rm work out to be?  
> Mine ended up at roughly 52 MB.

That's about the size of the .rm file I've got here, then, OK.  Still, 
my attempt to turn it into a WAV via pcm disk audio output as you 
suggested seemed to "run away" when I left it running on the Windows 
machine at the end of the day, and I had a 64 *GB* file (and growing!) 
when I checked this morning!

I may have to try that again.  Surely the WAV file shouldn't get bigger 
than CD size ....


Carl Edlund Anderson
mailto:cea at

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