How to capture the Roadburn Festival webcast to disk

Jeff Thompson jt_ at COX.NET
Thu May 25 07:38:09 EDT 2006

> Hawkwind wrote: The music on the Roadburn stream was meant as a stream only NOT as a 
> download. This is the 1st time that Hawkwind have agreed to this sort of 
> thing, unfortunately it will most likely be the last

This is a shame -- broader exposure means more fans.  At least
two people on this list as Blue Oyster Cult fans said that this
concert made them decide to check out Hawkwind.  If this concert
hadn't been made available, those two new Hawkwind fans would
not be fans.  You converted them into paying customers of your
work by making free music available on the net.  Isn't that a
good thing.

> especially if copies 
> start appearing on ebay.

*Any* form of music posted on the net, whether streaming or 
downloadable, can be burned onto disc.  But the quality of
the streaming concert isn't even that of a 128k MP3, is it?
It's not going to be mass-produced by pirates in China or the

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